• 5 min read

Using semantic-ui-react with re-frame

One of the great things about ClojureScript is the fantastic interop story with the JavaScript ecosystem. That said, taming JavaScript is a bit of an art that takes some practice.

I've integrated plain Semantic-UI with a re-frame project before and there was a lot of state to tame, and plenty of calls to (reagent/create-class) which I would have liked to avoid.

In starting up a fresh re-frame app I decided to see if I can't make use of the official Semantic-UI-React components. Turned out to be fairly simple, and here I'll show you how.

The Widget

I decided to build a little widget to show off the code in real life. Have a look for yourself.

The source code is available on GitHub at kennethkalmer/re-frame-semantic-ui-react-github-widget.

Piecing it together

Piecing it together was relatively simple with only one dependency: [cljsjs/semantic-ui-react "0.64.0-0"] and a few functions.


From the CLJSJS website:

CLJSJS provides an easy way for ClojureScript developers to depend on Javascript libraries.

It is a crowd sourced list of JavaScript packages bundled up with the appropriate extern files that allow you to use the advanced optimizations offered by the Google Closure compiler. By having one place with a lot of packages and their extern files, it makes all of our lives a little simpler.

This is a little different from WebJars though, which seem to package up various NPM & Bower packages verbatim. WebJars is also focused on the broader Java ecosystem and doesn't cater for Clojure specifically.

The functions

Based on the cljsjs/semantic-ui-react README I came up with this:

(ns re-frame-semantic-ui-react-github-widget.views
  ;; Other requires omitted...
  (:require [cljsjs.semantic-ui-react]

;; Easy handle to the top-level extern for semantic-ui-react
(def semantic-ui js/semanticUIReact)

(defn component
  "Get a component from sematic-ui-react:

    (component \"Button\")
    (component \"Menu\" \"Item\")"
  [k & ks]
  (if (seq ks)
    (apply goog.object/getValueByKeys semantic-ui k ks)
    (goog.object/get semantic-ui k)))

This gives us a single (component) function to use for getting any component (nested or not) from Semantic-UI-React.

Common components

It then setup some useful common components:

(def container      (component "Container"))
(def segment        (component "Segment"))
(def dimmer         (component "Dimmer"))
(def loader         (component "Loader"))
(def message        (component "Message"))
(def message-header (component "Message" "Header"))
;; etc...

Rendering components

Since reagent 0.6-alpha, "native react components" can be used directly in the Reagent's Hiccup forms like this:

[:> container
  [:> segment {:basic true}
    [:p "Hello from this segment"]]]

So piecing together your interface with the Semantic-UI components becomes very simple.

Going shorthand

Semantic-UI-React offers some nice shorthand props where possible, allowing things to become very compact:

(fn []
  (let [header (component "Header")]
    [:> header {:as        "h1"
                :subheader "A sample widget using semantic-ui-react with re-frame"
                :content   "GitHub Tree Widget"
                :icon      "github"}]))

;; vs

(fn []
  (let [header    (component "Header")
        content   (component "Header" "Content")
        subheader (component "Header" "Subheader")
        icon      (component "Icon")]
    [:> header {:as "h1"}
      [:> icon {:name "github"}]
      [:> content
        "GitHub Tree Widget"
        [:> subheader 
          "A sample widget using semantic-ui-react with re-frame"]]]))

Bonus content

I used the opportunity in the widget to really come to terms with "Layer 3 computations" in the re-frame signal graph. If you're interested have a look at src/cljs/subs.cljs.

re-frame's http-fx handler also came in useful for the ajax calls, although I could do better by having a function build up the request from a common base. The details are in src/cljs/events.cljs.

More bonus content

Updated April 2018: I've added a new post on passing around reagent components as values to Semantic UI React components. Please be sure to read that post as well.

Looking forward

The demo is a bit contrived, but is a different take on the boring TodoMVC-style demos. I got to articulate the process, and hopefully, help you dear reader.

Having only used react through re-frame, this process definitely helped me gain a better understanding of react itself. Spending the time looking at the extensive demos in the the Semantic-UI-React docs lead to a few "aha" moments. It also made me happy knowing I odn't have to write all that verbose syntax :).

ClojureScript is fantastic, and if you haven't yet experienced it try and get this project running locally and dabble with. Figwheel will surely blow your mind.

Final caveat

As with all proxies for upstream projects, CLJSJS might be out of date or missing the project you want. If things are out of date, quickly file a pull request to get things updated. If missing, open an issue and hear if they'll accept the new package.

Kenneth is a regular panelist on The ZADevChat Podcast, where he's fortunate enough to have great conversations with some of the best & brightest in the South African tech community.

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