DaemonKit Lightning Talk RubyKaigi 2009

Undoubtedly my worst time on stage ever! Ubuntu gave me issues with the projector, so I actually had to leave the stage to go to another conference hall to get the setup working again and run back up to the main hall… Once there, I was a mumbling mess, but made it through without the buzzer beating me.

Presenting a lightning talk at a Japanese conference is surely something else, the audience expects fireworks and the presenters deliver. It was truly an amazing experience, humilation and all, and I’m looking forward to the last day of the conference.

Welcome to the Open Sourcery Archives. These are my older blog posts, from days gone by. I'm keeping them up as part of the historical record. That, and I'm strangely sentimental about them. Please keep in mind that things most certainly have changed since these articles were written, links to external sites might be broken, and general thinking might have changed.

Regardless of all this, I hope you enjoy your stay!

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